1. Character Name. Redthunder
2. Jobs @ 75. RDM(main) WHM, BLM, WAR (all equiped)
3. Merits for those Jobs.
RDM slow lv3 para lv2
WHM no merits, but on work
BLM Freeze2, Burst2, lv2 on potency lighting and ice
WAR double att lv5, berserk lv1 on work
4. Subjobs.MNK, THF, PLD, DRK, NIN, SMN
5. Future Jobs @ 75. MNK57, THF51, PLD40, RNG27 atm
6. Previous Linkshells / Current Linkshells. no one i think lol
7. Reasons for Leaving / Staying. 24/7 sea run
8. Do you have access to All areas of Sea. yes
9. Do you find the Linkshell Name Immature or Funny. funny^^
10. Players in Linkshell who know you. gru, katsu, alu and some more
11. Reasons for wanting to join our Linkshell. fun and friends^^