1. Character Name.
- Serbaroz
2. Jobs @ 75.
3. Merits for those Jobs.
- SAM: STR5, HP1, C-hit4, GK8, polearm1, archery1, eva2, parying1, meditate5, tp-store5, Overwhelm5,
ikishoten2, Blade-Bash2, Shikikoyo1
4. Subjobs.
5. Future Jobs @ 75.
- RNG (68), DRK (56)
6. Previous Linkshells / Current Linkshells.
- Mooglelounge
7. Reasons for Leaving / Staying.
- Staying (Main-LS)
8. Do you have access to All areas of Sea.
- yes
9. Do you find the Linkshell Name Immature or Funny.
- more funny as immature
10. Players in Linkshell who know you.
- Bloodhunter, Nanolino
11. Reasons for wanting to join our Linkshell.
- ML doesnt do that much Sea atm, but there are still some pieces i want to get (Novio, Love-T., Hope-T.,)
by Serba