1. Character Name. Nightfall
2. Jobs @ 75. sam nin brd blm rdm thf
3. Merits for those Jobs. full sam, blm, thf and many spread out through jobs
4. Subjobs. working on /drk and /sch atm but apart from that, all i need really
5. Future Jobs @ 75. thinking war and smn maybe
6. Previous Linkshells / Current Linkshells. currently in Eternalreign sky ls
7. Reasons for Leaving / Staying. ive always wanted to do sea, but never had the oppertunity to join a EU timed ls
8. Do you have access to All areas of Sea. yes
9. Do you find the Linkshell Name Immature or Funny. great name. lol
10. Players in Linkshell who know you. shere, str, jon, couple of others prob
11. Reasons for wanting to join our Linkshell. an EU sea ls, dont see many.. oh, and i want some nice gear too :p